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La Plagne Apres Ski Report: 18th April 2013

The End is Nigh

featured in Nightlife reviews Author Anita Gait, La Plagne Reporter Updated

Well this is it folks, my last après report of the 2012/13 season and my god has it been a good one. I have experienced so many of the amazing activities and events that La Plagne has to offer and yet I can’t help but feel that I haven’t even scratched the surface - so many un-tasted restaurants and un-drunk bars, events I missed through having to work (boo), and tour groups I haven’t been a part of. Ah well - looks like I shall just have to come back next year! What a shame.

The things I have done though have been top notch, delicious food in great restaurants, L’arlequin, Refuge, Metairie - I’m talking about you. I have drunk far more than I should at various Mouth, La Mine and Spitting Feathers nights, not to mention too much rum at the Rhumerie and never failing to miss a Scotty’s Wednesday Apres session or Tuesday band night.

Bobsleighing and skidooing were amazing and there would have been much less après to speak of with out the brilliant events and services that Oxygene Ski School provide, I will never forget their incredible Moonlight Ski and the Super Luge Derby is hands down my favourite activity in La Plagne.

The lifts are open for another week but things are well and truly wrapping up here, closing parties are abounding and the staff are drifting away a little more every day. The sun is out still giving us all a summer vibe to wile away our last days and causing lots of last terrace lunches, drinks and sunbathing. La Mine bar in keeping with the warmth had their closing party on Tuesday complete with BBQ on the deck, multiple DJs and a Beach themed dress code. I neglected to wear my bikini due to not wanting to subject people to my pasty white winter skin, but did have a great night regardless. The bar was packed with locals and seasonaires all in great spirits, waving people off until next year and wishing each other well for the summer.

Mouth also chose to throw their closing party this week on Monday night featuring the last La Plagne gig for Alps band The Wingmen, although I am sure they have more to come at other resorts before they can call their season over.

Scotty’s bar is following the BBQ trend setting up outside as we speak for a burger and hot dog addition to their official Drink The Bar Dry night. If you have never attended a drink the bar dry let me explain, the idea is to drink until the bar is dry. This challenge is assisted by super cheap drinks prices, heavily laced punch and varying games and offers through out the night to mix up the menu. Be warned, this is a marathon not a sprint, pace yourselves and watch out for the bar staff who will be trying to offload some of the more unpalatable drinks onto some unsuspecting soul. Getting an Alps crowd to drink beer and Jaeger is no challenge for anyone but clearing the shelves of Chartreuse, Campari and Poire Williams takes considerable skill and commitment to the cause.

Oxygene blue will be prevalent this Friday as Oxygene ski school have their official end of season staff party at Croque Neige, again with a BBQ (although I’m afraid the weather might not be quite with them by then) and if there’s one thing these guys know how to do it’s throw a party - I shall certainly be swinging by to thank them for the part they have played in a great 2012/2013 season.

That is officially it from me, my season is almost over and I am heading back to the UK to sleep for a week and engage in some serious detoxing because my liver definitely hates me right now.

I hope you’re season has been as good as mine and if it was better then send me some tips!

Au revoir La Plagne - See you next year!
